Bar Chart

Compare countries and continents based on a whole host of different metrics.

Compare OECD Countries

Explore correlations between (collective bargaining, trade union participation) & wealth inequality, the minimum wage, and annual hours worked.

Country Correlation Map

Select a country from the dropdown menu to see which other countries are closely related. The map will recolor itself to display the most similar countries and the least similar countries.

The correlation was done by creating an array filled with the percentile scores of each metric for every country, and then comparing every array to the target country using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC). The numbers you see when hovering over a country represents each countries score from the PCC.

Note: the metrics exclusive to OCED countries were excluded from these calculations, as the results would be skewed too much.

Countries Similar to

Most Similar

Least Similar

Highest Scoring Metrics

Lowest Scoring Metrics